Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dear all,
The winners will get these medals!! Aren't they nice? I want to keep one for myself!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Register now!!

Dear all,

as we've observed, many of you hesitate to join us because you don't know how to play the games. Well, fret not!! We have many facilitators around to teach you to play, and we only register around 10 players for each game!! So it's very easy to win prizes and what are you waiting for? Join us now!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Updated programme schedule!!

This is our Programme Schedule! Come down to join us in SMU concourse on 19th March, Saturday for a day full of fun filled games & activities!

Welcome Speech & Introduction
Gathering of contestants & competition briefing
Preliminaries (San Guo Sha, Ticket to Ride, Pictionary Play-off)
Lunch (leisure gaming starts)
Break & Gathering of contestants for next games
Preliminaries (San Guo Sha, Ticket to Ride, Pictionary Play-off, Monopoly Deal, Blokus)
Break & Gathering of contestants for next games
Preliminaries( San Guo Sha, Ticket to Ride, Pictionary Play-off, Monopoly Deal, Blokus)
Break & Gathering of finalists 
Finals (San Guo Sha, Ticket to Ride, Pictionary Play-off, Blokus, Monopoly Deal)
Guest of Honour speech
Prize Presentation

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Registration and Prizes

For competition games, there will be a registration fee of $3 per individual per game, $10 for per team of 3 for Pictionary play-off & $15 per team of 3 for San Guo Sha.

For competing teams and individuals, please register online by filling out the form!  Click here!!
After registering, please sms or email our liaison officer to make sure you have your details correct.

Alternatively, you can contact our liaison officer Zhao Chen directly for registration!
Email or sms your name, team name, NRIC, school, age, email, contact number, and preferred mode of payment.
Email: Contact number:84491627

Please indicate the method of payment on the spreadsheet, i.e., by cash or ATM transfer. 

For payment by cash, please contact our financial controller Lu Wen at 98076407 directly to arrange for payment. Or you can just come down on the day itself to pay!

For payment by ATM transfer, please make the payment to POSB account number 056-84090-7 and send a message to 98076407, indicating your name, the team name and the amount paid. Once payment is made, please allow some time for transaction to be processed.


For San Guo Sha 3v3,
Champion: $180 worth of games and vouchers for the team
1st runner-up: $ 60 worth of games and vouchers for the team
2nd runner-up: $ 30 worth of games and vouchers for the team

For Pictionary 3v3:
Champion: $ 100 worth of games and vouchers for the team
1st runner-up: $ 60 worth of games and vouchers for the team

For individual games Monopoly Deal, Blokus, and Ticket to Ride
Champion: $50 of voucher and Brand's products
1st runner-up: $30 worth of games and vouchers
2nd runner-up: $20 worth of games and vouchers

The vouchers are not the ones where you have to spend $50 to get $10 off; instead, they are NTUC cash vouchers or movie vouchers!!
At the event, there are free drinks and Julie's butter cookies for all!! And there are ice-cream vouchers, hair salons vouchers, and game cafe's vouchers for all!
We are still sourcing for sponsors and hopefully we can get more games vouchers as prizes!!

While the prizes are not standardized, please bear in mind that the prizes are given according to the fee we charge from the participants.

Hurry up and sign up now!!


1) 三国杀3V3竞技比赛由“冷色暖色”对战两方组成。每方阵营各有三名选手,分为主帅和两名前锋,比赛以消灭对方主帅为获胜条件。比赛赛制分为単局赛和单轮赛两种。初赛采用淘汰赛制,决赛采用32胜得赛制,双方队伍进行2-3局的比赛,任一方先获胜2局即获得该轮比赛的胜利。如比赛局数大于一局,主帅选手应当进行轮换。 
2 比赛时,双方选手严禁一切与比赛相关的语言、肢体交流.
3 座位安排 
4 选手区域
1) 武将牌:三国杀3V3竞技比赛使用“标准版”25名武将+“神话再临-风”7名武将(不使用神武将和于吉)共32名武将,3V3比赛中主帅不能使用主公技。 
2 卡牌:三国杀“标准版”卡牌(包含EX牌)去除闪电,共106张卡牌。  

10:30-12:00 16队经过抽签分成4组进行单循环小组赛,4组同时进行比赛,每场45分钟,每组前2名出线。(共需三个时段)

比赛时间结束,如果双方主帅均存活,则比较双方存活武将数,存活武将数多的一方获胜。如果双方存活武将数相同,则比较双方存活武将已损失体力值,已损失体力 值少的一方获胜。如果以上数值都相同,则比较双方所被扣罚的技术分,被扣罚分数少的一方获胜。无法分出胜负时,由裁判计时,加时5分钟。如果加时后依然无法分出胜负,则继续加时5分钟,直到分出胜负为止。每轮胜队得3分,负队得0分。平手则各1分。 2场比赛之后算总分。
213:45-16:30 进行淘汰赛,分1/4决赛,半决赛,3、4名决赛和决赛同时进行。(共需三个时段)
南蛮入侵、万箭齐发、桃园结义、五谷丰登结算顺序由打出锦囊的选手指定 (顺时针或逆时针) 
1) 当同时有多个武将的技能可以发动时,自当前行动选手开始,逆时针顺序进行结算。 
2) 同时机多个技能结算发生冲突时,按以下优先级执行:锁定技>武将技能>武器技能 
1) 双方主帅率先入场(前锋不得入场),裁判将冷暖双方主帅身份牌洗牌后扣置于牌桌中央,由双方主帅进行比点,获胜的一方先选择一张身份牌,另一方获得另一张身份牌。 
2) 双方依据所选的身份牌决定冷暖阵营,裁判将双方身份牌放置于身份牌区,保持竖置状态。
3) 由裁判将32名武将平均分成四份,每份8张扣置于桌面中央,双方主帅从中各选取一份。再由裁判将双方所选共16名武将依次翻开并报出武将名,作为本局比赛的参选武将。 
      先选方选择武将1名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数15名;  
      后选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数13名;
      先选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数11名;  
      后选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数9名;  
      先选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数7名;
      后选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数5名;
      先选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数3名;
      后选方选择武将2名(时间20秒) 剩余可选武将数1名。

b) 双方主帅展示本方所选武将(时间10秒) 
c) 双方主帅收起所选武将并选择3名上场武将,选将完成后主帅上交剩余武将至裁判,并将已选武将扣置分配予自方前锋。(时间90秒) 
1 双方前锋按主帅指定座位入座。
2) 双方选手将自己面前的武将牌亮出,由裁判分发体力牌并报出双方武将牌。 
3) 冷色方决定先行动阵营(被指定的阵营在比赛的第一个回合必须由主帅行动) 
4) 裁判分发起始4张手牌 

1) 行动顺序 
a) 第一个回合先行动的一方必须由主帅先进行行动; 
b) 主帅或两名前锋行动为一个行动单元;此后,双方阵营交替行动单元并由各自主帅决定行动单元的行动顺序及武将; 
e) 当轮到一方阵营行动时,如该阵营武将身份牌均为横置状态,且对方阵营仍有身份牌未横置的武将,则由对方阵营行动。 
2) 武将回合 
a) 回合开始阶段:横置其身份牌,代表其回合开始。此阶段可以发动的技能为:洛神,观星,神速。选手有5秒时间声明发动技能。(如超时,视为选手放弃发动技能)
1   出牌时和发动技能时需要正确声明。正确声明规范参看选手规范; 
2   除发动武器和武将技能外,每次出牌阶段只可以使用一张杀; 
f) 回合结束阶段:选手在此阶段应声明回合结束。此阶段可以发动的技能为:闭月,据守。选手有5秒时间声明发动技能 
g)  奖惩:杀死任意一名角色,可以立即摸3张牌,即使杀死的是自己的同伙.


1. 三国杀:融合了西方类似游戏的特点,并结合中国三国时期背景,以身份为线索,以卡牌为形式,集合历史、文学、美术等元素于一身,由北京游卡桌游文化发展有限公司开发的一款原创桌面游戏。 
2. 3V3:指三国杀的6人竞技模式,分成2队进行比赛。是三国杀竞技赛事的一种。 
3. 暖色方:暖色方是三国杀3V3的一方阵营,主公代表暖色方主帅,忠臣代表暖色方前锋,在选将阶段决定哪方先选将。 
4. 冷色方:冷色方是三国杀3V3的一方阵营,内奸代表冷色方主帅,反贼代表冷色方前锋,在比赛开始时决定哪方先开始行动。 
5. 已损失体力值:指结算时武将的体力上限减去武将的当前体力值。与武将累计损失的体力无关。 
9 竖置:身份牌状态的一种,身份牌面对主帅,竖向放置。当一个武将的身份牌竖置时表示该武将尚未行动。 
10 横置:身份牌状态的一种,身份牌面对主帅,横向放置。当一个武将的身份牌横置时表示该武将正在行动或已经行动。 
11 重置:指当所有武将的身份牌都为横置时,当前回合人行动完成后将所有横置的身份牌竖置。 
12 行动单元:指当轮到任意阵营行动时,该阵营主帅可以选择行动的武将,必须是主帅行动或两名前锋进行行动,每一次行动视为一个行动单元。行动单元只能选择身份牌为竖置状态的武将行动。当双方均无人可以行动时,重置双方身份牌。 
13   阵亡: 指一名武将的体力值小于或等于0且场上询问后无人打出“桃“时,该武将阵亡,须由裁判弃掉其所有手牌,装备区的牌及判定区的牌。如果主帅阵亡则比赛立即结束。 
15  裁判:指比赛中负责进行发牌,判罚等事宜的人员。选手需服从裁判的指示及判罚。 
16  认输:指在比赛中一方主帅决定放弃本局比赛的行为,选手认输后视为本队本局比赛结果为负。 
17    存活武将数:存活武将数是指到比赛结束时,一方阵营未阵亡的武将总数,如一方认输或主帅阵亡,视为其所有武将均阵亡,存活武将数为0 
18  已损失体力值:已损失体力值在计算时由选手的体力上限减去选手的当前体力值得出。只有存活的武将可以计算已损失体力值,阵亡武将不参与计算。

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pictionary game rules

Pictionary Play-off
 Instructions to play
1.    Set up
·        Each team should have a pad of paper and pencil and will begin on the "Start" square.
·        Each team selects a picturist to do the drawing for the first word. This duty rotates to all players in turn.
·        Each team rolls the die, and the team with the higher number selects the first card. The first word sketched is an AP (All Play) word and all teams participate.
2.    Game play
·        At the beginning of each team's turn, a card is drawn. The category of word is chosen by the color space your team token is on.
·        The picturist has five seconds to examine and think about their word (a dictionary is provided) and without using verbal or physical communication begins to draw. Drawing or including letters or number is not allowed.
·        The Picturist has one minute to get their team to guess the word.
·        If the word is identified in less than a minute, the same team rolls and advances themself on the Pictionary board and draws a new card.
·        If the word is not identified within a minute, play continues to the left to other team.
·        Every time the picturist draws a card, he can change to another card but only once.
3.    Other rules
·        An "X" can be used to cross things out or locate something but not as a letter.
·        Identically sounding words can be used to guess the correct word. For example: "mail" can be drawn for "male."
·        Secret or pre-arranged clues are against the rules. These include drawing an ear for "sounds like" or lines to indicate the number of words to be guessed.
·        If the answer is a singular word, the plural form counts as correct, and vice versa.
4.    The winner
·        The playing time for each round is 40 minutes. If time is up before any team lands on the Finish square, the team that covers more squares wins. The wining team gets 5 points and the other team gets 3 points.
5.    Match rules
·        Each team should have 3 participants.
·        Estimated no. of teams: 8
·        For one table 2 teams participle.
·        Each team will play 3 rounds during the preliminary round.
·        The 2 teams with the highest points will proceed to the finals.
·        During the finals, the rules are the same except that the team has to reach "Finish". The teams compete for 1 last round to determine the winner.